I wrote the last post just after listening to Sza's Ctrl album Undoubtedly, right up there in my list of albums of the year Possibly more than that,I'm not done listening to it. Good music,you're never really done listening to it. Heavy,would be an overstatement. but it really did have an influence on Intimate . For it took me back to the simplicity and vulnerability. Of writing in first person, It's been a while, I've been in love with the third person, a persona I adopted after admiring how cleverly the so called " he/she" brings out my ideas and thoughts without leaving me overexposed. Without leaving me fragile or frail Overflowing but not empty. Aah, the genius that is description in the third person A genius I greatly admired in Smeagol's ramblings in LOTR and the Hobbit as well as in Atticus , the poet of the 21st Century. I love Sza, I love her freaking inividuality. In a world,dull with copies. Her sincerity....