The universe has a way of getting me off my ass. I've been living, I guess, inexhaustibly sucking out the marrow of life. Politely. I'm here, I'm here, A little late, a little lost but still as always, hella festive. 2019. It's a lot to sum up, I'm ever and always grateful for the strides, for the madness, the magic and everything in between. Time is fluid, though, Life is a continuum and Self-improvement is constant. but I'll spare you the small talk. See, Love is one shitty ass ,crazy ass feeling. I've spent a lot of time on me, Some of which I've spent dreaming, visualising, of a love that's my own. To have and to hold. But ideas are distant, and ideas are dreamy, velvety cloths. And I'm hung on ideas, hell bent on ideas, I was gifted and cursed with such vivid imagination. and because of it I coin my own heartbreak. I'm not heartbroken, ...
I'm drifting in and out of sleep, the traffic lights are blinking and the city,my city is both dead and alive. I'm happy. It's been a great night, and I'm patting myself on the back, No random calls, no summoning of past ghosts, no spineless wavy promises made at the peak of bridges of songs. "When the past calls, don't answer it has nothing new to say" And this is just as true on a Monday as it is on a Saturday night when your senses are dimmed. But the heart wants what it wants and humans have refined the art of self-justification propping up our egos or our will on flaky ass, half truths and skewed memories and skewed interpretations of past experiences. Not tonight though, tonight I am present, here , conscious. Probably more than I've been in a while. And the stir in the back, and the voices around me rise, and then drown around me. Like raindrops drowning in puddles when they hit the ground. The banter...