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I'M A DELICATE TULIP! with a side of red hot chilli.

"Rap is unapologetic art"
-Ice Cube.

Unapologetic. I like that word. To live with no apologies. Speak without second-guessing your words.To act without,well you get the jist. Wait, is it politically correct. You know what, I don't care.

I've always admired people who speak their mind. They're not everyone's cup of tea,though. They're often found  too radical, too reckless, or even shameless. 

Don't get me wrong I'm a believer in the whole 'Do no harm' mantra.

And it's no lie, that though we may not help everyone, we are called as humans, to at least not hurt them.

But you've got to admit there's just something about people who test the limits of the freedom of speech.Maybe,it's partly because we lack the courage to do so ourselves. Take the late. Joan Rivers for example. Though I'm drawn to a fashion review as much as the next fashion-lover,  her candidness was the main reason why I did my level best to never miss an episode of 'Fashion Police'. I along with many others. So it was not a surprise when the show fizzled out after her passing. 

No one was above her throne  and she never hesitated to call out any fashion atrocities of even those who occupied the highest of offices. She must have been a difficult gal to work with, you know the way in which the media is subjected to all sorts of external pressures and scrutiny thus causing lots of content to be highly regulated. But there she was, ever so gracious,ever so blunt.Show after show. There was an interesting uproar staged on social media following her demise. A mini-war between those who believed her life should be celebrated and those who believed she should be  quietly and hurriedly sent off to the next life given that she had unwound reality TV's moral compass. I think the latter forget that she was also very self-critical, often criticizing her numerous aesthetic surgeries and whatnot.

"I succeeded by saying what everyone else was thinking"

-Joan Rivers.

Here's to words uncensored. 

Well behaved women rarely make history. That's a bit obvious, isn't it? Because those that do make history have no time to engage in the mediocrity of acting like other mass-minded conventional,ordinary women of their time. They got things done and ultimately changed the world. Things the others were too afraid to do,but needed to be done.

The model  average American suburban 50's housewife.With pinned 'Victory rolls' and frilly pleated skirts and dresses that were tight enough to show she was a woman but lose enough to show she was a lady. Style in the 50's was described as conventional chic, and was intended to create a certain level of uniformity. I oddly celebrate 50's fashion, and though some may view it as artistically oppressive you know compared to the boom in fabric,co lour and style we have in the industry today. However, the 50's woman was the undisputed image of a lady. A delicate tulip.

Her hands were only to be tainted by domestic dirt. And as a housewife her duties were to tend to her home, her children and her husband. She was there to serve and to serve gracefully. Bearing her duties and responsibilities without a single wrinkle on her forehead. To smile. To always smile. To be courteous and polite to the neighbors. And to be selfless.

And what did she get in exchange. She and her counterparts would never have to worry a hair on their on pretty little heads about the 'Great outdoors'. The economy, politics,human plight and the challenges facing the country in a post-war environment and so forth. No never, their concerns went as far as new recipe's and table arrangements.

 Must be nice,huh? to float around in this bubble of ignorance or chosen ignorance in a man's world.To be an accessory with few concerns and cares.To speak,when spoken to and so forth. Well it's actually not that great,it's stuffy suffocating actually. A pretty life. A pretty dormant and boring life.That's a bit over the top. But we're being uncensored aren't we? So you didn't have to work and your job was being a mum. That's a really good thing. 

Society also needed parental guidance and then where were you? Oh! yea that's right you were busy knitting and planting your orchids,and let's not forget training your little girl to be just like you. You know not to chase her dreams and to frown upon ambition and a non-sedentary lifestyle.

"I'd rather live enormous than die dormant"

-Jay Z.

Well wouldn't you? After all we came to get things done. All of us. You see we all have this light inside of us. We're all born with it anyway. And the choices we make either dim or brighten this light.

 If we brighten this light, then and only then do we fulfill our true destiny. By heeding to our true calling, that light in our soul glows and we serve mankind and utilize our full, well almost full capacity. It is not our circumstances,or anything really that threatens this light.It is we who constantly choose to silence the voice in our hearts that speaks for that light and we opt for a sedentary, dormant life  just like the classic 50's housewife. I often wonder as she spent endless hours in her home, if she wondered what impact she could have had in the world, if she had only dared to go against the norm and not perpetuate the already deeply rooted chauvinistic ideals of the society. 

If she questioned why she had to sit at home ignorant about the world around her that cried out for her input and attention more than her lilies in her summer garden.By all means, if she had chosen to live life enormous,to eat life with a big spoon.

Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.

-Maya Angelou

It's a tad bit cheesy stringing in quotes like that. But you remember what I said about quotes,right? How they best express your thoughts in the most unreal and magical way. 

Maya couldn't have been more accurate.No one dimmed the light in those suburban housewives, in fact no one dims the light in anyone. We dim the light in ourselves. Forgive me, oh ye sons of Adam,this piece is slightly inclined to members of the fairer sex. Don't blame me,we were all born inclined to one gender,weren't we? Besides,I mentioned there's a raging feminist wolf within me,and she demands to be fed. Wait, did I just apologize. I take it back. Stick to the plot TULIP!make Joan Rivers proud. 

Women constantly dim the light within themselves. We see it everyday splashed all over the media. You're a great dancer,but I think God had more of a 'Broadway' vision for you, rather than you in the background of some rappers video.

Point is,we are/were all destined for greatness.Not everyone's name goes on the billboards but we each have some task to accomplish,and that in itself is greatness.

We dim the light within ourselves and then what do we do? We slump ourselves and our entire life into this great pity party ruled by our insecurities. Oh, I could do better if I was prettier,If I was skinnier, If I was smarter, If I came from a better background, If I was more talented.If.If.And we further aggravate our situation and our miserable existence by comparison. Well, I hate to break it to you love, but you are not those things and you probably will never be. You are you. And whatever, whoever,however you were born you must own it and realize that what you are is way greater than some pipe dream persona.

To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.

-Oscar Wilde

Strive to be an IRONY.

 A scriptwriter once acclaimed that our favorite characters,in movies,books,plays etcetera are the epitome of irony. And the reason we keep reading or watching is to uncover or watch this irony unfold. That despite the odds being against them they fought to be all that they could be and gave 110% everyday.

Mary Jane Paul. The star  of BET's 'Being Mary Jane' has it all. The academic achievements ,the successful career, the dream job,the  house,the car and a closet to match her powerhouse aura. She passes of as arrogant,uptight, the classic A-type. And initially this is why I was soon disinterested in the series but then hang on, the show came with an interesting twist. She has everything. She is everything, in fact a fact a friend describes her as too much fabulous packed into one person.But she isn't as well-put-together as you'd imagine.

We all have struggles we're dealing with, many of which others are blind to.

At 37, she's a single black woman,no kids, dealing with inconsistent relationships, a highly demanding job, the scrutiny of the public eye and siblings riddled with lack of self-drive who surf through life on the fast lane, only for them to crash and come knocking at her door. She's not living her ideal lifestyle at least, when it comes to her personal life but the strength she exudes, to pick herself up everyday,put on her lipstick,get ready and Seize the day.Each and everyday is  overly admirable. 

Similarly, the women portrayed in Tyler Perry's 'For Coloured girls only' a beautiful, and breath-taking movie, who though have "Many voices,have one poem". In this film, adopted from Ntozake Shange's play, the women carry great burdens, challenging situations and even more challenging and trying inner struggles that should ordinarily have one at their knees. They are worn out by the wear and tear of simply existing.Where each morning doesn't come with a burst of rays of sunlight but dark, heavy clouds branded with the painful memory of yesterday.

 I cry in lots of movies, but that film moves you to an emotional dimension within yourself you didn't think existed. But with hope and some form of unimaginable faith they arise amidst the ashes, despite the chains that weigh them down and the embers of the destructive fires that rage in their hearts still burning their skin,they get up and get things done. Because we cannot afford to mope around all day and bury our woes in tubs of delicious ice-cream or alcohol.Life may throw at us lemons but it gives us not the time nor space to endlessly  whine about it's acidity. Jobs must be done. Children must be cared for. And regardless of gender or age we must define our existence. We must shine our light and consequently inspire others to do the same.It's all about taking the cards that life dealt you and finding a way to win the game.

So by all means let's slice those acidic tormentors in the name of lemons and find some Vodka or just make plain good,old lemonade. You pick.

A strong woman is one who is able to smile in the morning like she wasn't crying last night.

-Shamia Kegler

Honey, light that candle, stand out, speak out, don't dumb yourself down and don't be nothing less than that phenomenal woman you were destined to be, quit being the understudy of your own show.

Strong women.May we know them,may we be them and may we raise them. She who makes history, don't just be another dull book in life's library. There's no passion to be found in playing small.

In order to be irreplaceable. One must always be different.

-Coco Channel

We must bear pain like we do stilettos"No matter how much it hurts,all you see is the beauty of it".That's a bit relative. Sometimes it does look just downright painful. 

Anyway,' the most frightening and wondrous fact of life is that it always goes on'. You are more than your insecurities, more than your heartaches,more than tribulations which threaten to tip over your crown. Pain demands to be felt but it must not define you.

We weren't put on this earth to sit around and cry. We came to get things done. The greatest temptation we face as females  is to lead our lives like  princesses, not for the glamour or the awe in their persona but merely to sit around and wait to be saved. Lead your life like a queen, Queens get stuff handled.

 And they wear a bigger a crown.


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