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"When a male black  widow wants to mate,he climbs on to the web of a female and dances if she accepts his invitation he inseminates her,in many cases when it's all over the male spider will hoist himself onto the fangs of the female and accepts paralysis like a gift and willingly becomes something she can eat during her pregnancy

When a male and female termite decide to reproduce,they take the mating flight,they join together,leave their colonies and procreate in mid-air.After fertilization they land and break their own wings making it impossible for them to ever fly with anyone else again.Insects are finding love to the point of pain or even death.

Buh' what's crazy is..............
                    You can't ev'n text me back"
All Def Poetry//Text me back

Bravery is seeing the world not as it is,
but as it should be.
-Sue Sylvester.

To the lovers, the dreamers, the thinkers, the seekers, the circles in square pegs, to the ones not quite as they should be. To the ones unsung,unheard,unseen,that never quite seem to meet the mark, to the ones who simply don't fit in.The ones who refuse to draw out life with a stencil.

In loving memory of Cory Monteith,
whom I could only ever hope found comfort and solace in life as he did on set, in the abstract walls of that show choir room.

Film and TV shows were created as an escape, well I suppose all art forms are a form of escape, although some do illuminate on the tear of daily living and the burdens of human dilemma(those are my favourite) but mostly it's all just somewhat a  scripted fallacy, a twist to  an otherwise seemingly worry-filled and otherwise  seemingly uneventful life.

They paint these characters people,whom we'd hoped we'd become in our younger, more hopeful years. The perfect manifestations of who we've always wanted to be but never could and for those brief moments of delight we are cast into worlds beyond our own basking in the glory of our daydreams, living in the shoes of the divine beings of our imagination.

Until the credits start streaming onto the screen and the lights, blinding, strike your eyes. Reality bitch-slapping you back to consciousness. And it all comes back, the frustrations, the guilt, the hurt, the despair, the aching feeling of under-achieving, the urgency to get home or get work done, or do something or go somewhere or reply to the dozen messages that streamed in during screen time  or get back to those darn nagging missed calls. The wear of everyday life begins to kick in, the lag in your feet, your spirit's cage door swings wide open and then shut awaiting a the possibility of escaping once again and the your pulse returns to it's woe laden rhythm.

Awake child
chains abound you, the air isn't as wispy and thin as it was, it's suffocating now and you must detangle your head from the clouds.

Return to your daily vibration of white shirts and black ties and steel and concrete cages. To the vibration of common reason and average thinking. Bow down to the alters of social conformity and tuck away your true self inside for fear of the light. Pin back the badge of 'certified' member of society, contributing to the global economy by affirming your position as a pawn of a game who's rules you were never made aware. And you play on needlessly and endure the pushing and the shoving,as the other pieces whiz around. Never questioning, never striving, never seeking.
Good grades,good job,good wife/husband,good home.Death.
Never question,never strive,never seek.This stencil is tried and tested.

And when you do manage to peel yourself from the torment of routine and for a minute catch a glimpse of the happenings beyond the chessboard you live in awe of those who dared, who sought, who questioned. But that's not your place, you never could, you hadn't the right fiber or wit or gut or muscle or wig or hair or skin. That's the 1 in a million, they told you about as they talked you out of the 'unsafe' paths'. It's uncertain.

Life's all about security, security right?
securing a good future, securing good relationships, securing assets and commodities for those overly praised and hailed rainy days.Color within the lines you were told. Forsake even a moment of true and ultimate joy and fulfillment for a lifetime in chains. Rebellion and non-conformity isn't a good color on you, stick to the paler hues, the safer more acceptable colors. The bolder colors were for those wayward girls.

No one handed you a script you could run through first,
you don't remember assenting or consenting to be,or to do anything.
You just just were.And they stars on screen seem to have this control over situations that you could never even begin to master.And their life is blissful and charming and their woes pegged down to picking between the Blonde and the Brunette and regardless of what tragedy had struck them no scars,no broken bones were left or the ones that did had impeccable recovery time.So we place them as our demi-gods,as somewhat having a attained a higher level of being.Ladders ahead of us in Maslow's hierarchy.And we
fawn and swoon, and are nauseated by the stench of our own reality.

We ignore the fact that those who play those characters only hope and wish as you do to live in that fantasy,a fantasy they've played out so well for for you.

I crave the escape.I crave the need to transcend into a dimension beyond my own and literally just float around and be,
That explains the other half of playlist that doesn't provoke my all to eager thought train.

See Art's not ment to look nice,or sound nice or even be nice.Well it can,but most importantly it's ment to make you feel something and the greatest ones move and shake you're very core and you're never quite the same again.

Write hard and clear about the stuff
that hurts.
↠Ernest Hemingway.

Perhaps we need to stop feverently living for the escape,going above and beyond to find the magic card that will transcend us into this new being or this new place.And stop waiting for Friday or summer or for someone to fall in love with you.To fully embrace the present and the hopes and endless possibility of the future.Creating a life you don't need a vacation from.Living an a way that makes your soul dance within.

But we are so afraid to live,
to step on the fine lines drawn by social constructs.
We don't want to get too close to anything or anyone or even who put you here in the first place and is carrying around the blueprint.Not too close just close enough.To feel but not too deeply.That's how you spare yourself from the heartache.

We've engraved Icarus' flight as the testament of our existence,the justification not to dare, or dream or soar or test the limits.
He had the valour to define reason and fly as close to the sun, to actually do something with his existence ,sure there's a lesson about character keeping you at the top and a thing or two about obedience but life's about the journey and about pushing the boundaries. And he went out like a star.
That's alot more than we say about ourselves,we use the wings we were given to coup with the chicken.

I realized my problem with this generation is we stand for nothing.The civil rights movements,Melanin pride,LGBTQ groups,feminist marches have seen a somewhat good turn out of 90's kids,well the ones at least who can tear themselves from the dog-filters and the non-existent lyrics of trap music.And have realized how insufficient the text books actually are and the fallacy that the media and basic education and yes generally the system and it's miserable motifs of existence have forced our minds into believing.How there's a vast world you've never even tasted.And the saddest part in the age of the internet we don't seek,we don't want to see beyond,we choose to live in the naivety of narrowed mindsets and lack of individualism and conformity and standards and mediocrity and ignorance.You'ld be disgusted if you realized how shackled your mind is,only feeding on what you're served.And how ill-infested systems and cooperations have thrived and prospered on your dormant,dead weight,asleep state,on your silence and on your obedience.And your care-free attitude.

"When you gon' learn little brother,
that them whipz and chains,they've got you rapping about
Ain't no different from the whips and chains
the slaves got,they may put shackles around your arms
But don't let them ever put shackles around our minds"

"I want em' thick",
as if it's an IQ ranking.

And then we do the cutest thing,
We grow up shadows of what we were ment to be
Shadows of our potential,
and no not the one they talked to you about on career day
And now you're perfectly cut to size,
and you've left the daydreams and the wishes to the children and the magic and the wishful thinking to the hippies and the playwriters.

And you've embraced adulthood in all it's gore.
And you're  just sort of waddling through the years,
living the life you settled for.You've grown accustomed to the aching bore of normality.
And you smile that at least you have this sort of pseudo-independence and that you have a paycheck that comes in your name every month.Yey you!
And you think of how the best years of your life were swallowed in ignorance and vanity and meaningless bliss and how you rejected the little voices that told you to follow your heart.

To live the dream,to take a stand,to get the girl or the guy,to hitch-hike across the world or whatever it is the gypsy in you kept begging you to do.
And then you die,
but that's alright,isn't it
seeing as you never really lived.

"What I'd give to be normal,
to live in the bubble of the naïve"

You see that should be alright with me,to settle
it's what most people do anyway,right
and they live pretty okay.

He's nice,settle or he was a nice guy or an okay guy so she settled(they don't say this exact word,I'm dramatic)
But I don't want nice,I want to tell my kids about a freaking adventure,that had metaphorical vats of acid and a bleeding passion that tore us open if our hands so much as touched.And without this human being I only exist and with I'm a freaking hurricane.Someone who seizes the heck out of everyday,and has this passion and love for even just simply being alive and in the greatest form of thanksgiving live each day to the fullest.

And maybe it's over the top or whatever
This tired world has got you thinking,
but they fooled you there is no rulebook.
And besides,it's not the 50's,I don't aspire to marriage,anyway
I refuse to settle just to have my slate-grey base themed wedding and a 9 month sick-off.

I've seen too many standing at the alter as if they we were half-dragged there,standing helplessly  against their will,Thinking how the heck did they get there.That's a look no makeup artist can conceal,booboo.

So please be darn sure you can't live without this human,
And  not in sheer betrayal of self and of your destiny and that little girl's dream you say I do,to an 'okay,socially acceptable life'
Well,I'll drink to another individual lost
Who I'm I kidding,I'll drink anyway.

It's all about strategy and convenience and our beloved safety nets.What's attainable.Not only in love but in every aspect of life.We live jealously,as if we'll get this magical day at the end of it all when we will get to live and love as we've always wished.And we cast out and shun the lovers,the seekers,the dreamers,the free-spirits and heckle at their naivety. 

Make your life extraordinary.
↠Dead poet's society(1989)

Carpe Diem.Carpe Noctem.Carpe Omnis.
Seize the day.Seize the night.Seize everything.

"I wanted to live deliberately
I wanted to live deep
and suck out all the marrowof life
To put to rout all that was not life
And not when I came to die,discover
I had not lived"
↠Dead poet's society(1989)

I want to surround myself with people who radiate this vibe,this energy and fan this vibration within me,as I equally radiate this energy to those around me.It takes the greatest form of courage to cast out that stencil and make a canvas at the mercy of your will.

I aspire to be a giver.
A giver of love,a giver of good vibes and a giver of strength.

But to truly embrace true living,to open your eyes and see the eighth colour of the rainbow we must first elevate our minds,expose our mind to possibility and dust away our jar of dreams.
Soak in culture,art and history and poetry and literature and language,never placing a plug on the information you can draw in.Self awareness and social consciousness.
Stand for something,speak for something,for someone.

Activists aren't just people who have had a troubled system rattle their front door but those who've embraced their moral duty to speak for the downtrodden.

Seek out your higher purpose and the wisdom and peace in spirituality and it's universal message of love.And empower and educate and spread knowledge and purpose and hope and inspire individualism and creativity.And cast down the mental shrines we've built in honour of wealth,aspire to truly live and make your life count,and withdraw ourselves from the vanity of seeing beauty and light from a face or a body but from a soul.

And as the beloved kids of Mckingley High's Glee club, 
bowed off set living out the words of One Republic's 2014 hit
because it's been one heck of a ride(I cried for a good 20min watching this episode) and you brought me truth and clarity and opened me up to love and light and the beauty of family and friendship and hope and music and self-acceptance and a believing heart and sponged up the hurt and the confusion. 
I say this to you,beloved reader
"Hope when you take that jump,you don't fear the fall
Hope when the crowd screams out they're screaming your name.
Hope when everybody runs,you chose to stay.
Hope that when you fall in love,it hurts so bad
the only way you can know is it if you give it all you have,
Hope that you don't suffer but take the pain
Hope that you spend your days but they all add up
and when that sun goes down you raise your cup
And ultimately..

I hope when the moment comes you'll say
I did it all
I owned every second that this world could give
I saw so many places,the things that I did.
And with every broken bone,
↠I swear I lived↞
The Finale//The tribute



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